Siwash: Children - $75.00 - 125.00
Adult - $ 100.00 - 250.00
Leather Jackets: Custom Handmade - Beaded, Fringed or Not - $350.00 - $750.00
Slippers: Fully Beaded - $75.00 - $150.00
Wraparounds: Children - plain: $30., Beaded: $60.
Adults - Plain: $60., Beaded: 100.
Papoose: $50. - $150.
Two Piece Leather Skirt and Top: $250. - 500.
Short Beaded Mitts - Children: $25. Adults:
With Beaver Trim: $125.
Mocassins: ( Lined or unlined; Fringed or
plain; Beaded or Plain)
Small (children): $20. - 30.
Medium: $30. - 45.
Large: 445. - 60.
Long Mitts or gauntlets (Beaded) Custom
handmade with Beaver Trim
Small - $100.
Medium - $ 135.
Large - $145.
Short plain leather gloves - Custom hand sewn
$50. and Up
Vests: Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large
$200. - $350. depends on custom requirements and amount of beading
Fur (Beaver) Trimmed Mitts / Lined
Small - $100. Medium - $125 Large - $135.
Mukluks - All beaded, fur trimmed or custom made - Ladies and
Small - $115. and Up
Medium - $125. and Up
Large - $145. and Up
Telephone Number to Cecile's home is (306) 288-2105
Please add $10.00 Shipping and Handling Charges for small items and
add $20.00 for leather jackets, skirts and large orders. Reason, is
that leather goods are heavy and costly to ship.