A River Gathering

(Art by Roger Jerome of La Ronge, Saskatchewan and son-in-law of Elder Nap Johnson of Ile a la Crosse)

Sandy Bay, on the Churchill River

(Follow The Signs)

August 13th - 16th, 2002

All Northerners and other interested people are invited to the River Gathering to listen and discuss Land Issues concerning northern Saskatchewan. Representatives of the Northern Fur Blocks (Trappers, Fishermen, Traditional Land Users) have been invited to participate in the workshops and discussions.

Left: Mrs. Cecile Bouvier of Beauval. She creates beautiful handicraft using moosehide, deer hide, caribou hide when supplies are available. She has been creating crafts for over fifty years. Right: Picturesque beauty of northern Saskatchewan. Tea tastes so much better when made outdoors. During the fire ban, we ended up buying a gas stove so we could enjoy our evening suppers over-looking Lac La Ronge.

Winter Fishing with higher fish prices has been adopted by many northern fishermen; this allows for spawning of fish with minimal harvest by sport fishermen.


Discussions and Presentations were open to anyone who wanted to speak. The biggest fear of most Northerners is of losing their land. Development is not opposed, however, the people most effected, should also have some say in what sort of development could take place and when. The biggest fear is hydro development on the Churchill River. Many Aboriginal people still rely on the river system for their livelihood. Many residents of the Churchill River work for outfitters as guides.

The Late Louis (Turnour Lake) and Vital Morin (Ile a la Crosse) brothers who were passionate about the land that they and their ancestors depended upon for sustanance and a resource for the livelihood of northern Saskatchewan residents.It is in the memory of all the Elders who have departed and for the future well being of northern Saskatchewan that northerners dialog on the use and management of the land we depend on.


You can print this form out to register for the gathering.

Click Here To download Registration Form - PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader Format)

Mail the registration form to:

Rick Laliberte, MP

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario

(No Postage is required if you send letters to your Member of Parliament)

For more information call: 1-888-RIVER13

Updated July 8, 2002

Created by: Sakitawak Apihtokosan

©mjdurocher 2001 - 2002